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Successful Séances

by Robin C. Evans

“There has been much written and documented about Leslie Flint. For example; how he was the most tested medium of his day by researchers and found to be 100% genuine, but this account is about our experience with Leslie and I feel no need to go into other areas as it can easily be found by the researcher if needed.


These séances were wonderful and we learned so much. One very interesting point is that the [spirit] voices actually moved around the room. As Mickey or whoever was talking at the time went to someone else you could hear the voice was further down the room. This does not come through on the audio unfortunately.


Some are going to ask did anyone famous come through?

Well, yes a few did. Elizabeth Garret Anderson who started the first hospital for women. Nelly Wallace the old Music Hall star. You can Google them both and there is even some old newsreel footage of Nelly on YouTube.


Anyway here is my story:


It is hard to know exactly where to start, as not only was it so long ago, but things happened in a certain manner before we actually went to Leslie Flint's for the first time. I think the best thing is to try and give some background beforehand so it can be seen how it all happened.





Early in 1981 my wife Wendy and I opened our back room as a healing sanctuary. We were the first ones to actually do this outside of the Spiritualist churches, in our area [of Norfolk] anyway.


It was a great success. Every Thursday evening we would be working away until nearly midnight on some occasions.


We got to know [someone named] John from our local church and he was so interested we offered to train him as a healer. I can’t recall now just how long had passed, but one night we had a new patient. A lady from Lowestoft whose name was Jo. After our healing had finished she asked if she could come again next week. We said, "of course, that is why we are here, you don’t need to ask."


Jo told us that she had moved down to Lowestoft after losing her husband Les, who had himself been a healer. She went on to say that she was thinking of moving back to where she had come from as she found the local people not to be very friendly and was feeling a bit disillusioned. But she said that we were like a warm breath of fresh air as we were so friendly in welcoming her.


So Jo started to visit each week and she got to know John, who was also a widower, having lost his wife Jean about a year earlier. They became good friends. Then a little later they married.





During this time Jo was regaling us with stories of Leslie Flint and she lent us his autobiography Voices in the Dark.

Leslie had signed Jo's copy for her, so she treasured it but entrusted us with it. "I must have it back," she said, "but I will buy you a copy for Christmas." Which she duly did and is now one of our treasured possessions. One day she said, "Would you all like to go to Leslie Flint’s for a Direct Voice séance?"

We jumped at the idea.


She said that Leslie, by this time, was actually retired and only did séances occasionally for people he knew or who had been before. As Jo had been before Leslie knew he could trust her to bring a group to see him.


She told us that Leslie only made a nominal charge of £6 per head, which we could manage okay. But we would have to go by train from Great Yarmouth to Paddington, which was going to work out a bit expensive for us. We were existing at that time on basic benefits, which were just enough to keep soul and body together.


Then I had a thought. A couple of years previously I had bought an acoustic guitar, which I was vainly trying to learn to play. I had actually given up on [the idea] a while ago, as I know it was never going to happen. A friends daughter had expressed interest in buying the guitar, so I said she could have it for £25, which was half what I had paid for it. She readily agreed and now we had our train fares and enough for a meal for our visit.


Jo arranged things with Leslie and our séance with him was booked for June 2nd 1982.



We had to get up very early on the day and we piled out of bed at 5am to get ready to catch the train.

Our little flat was full of the atmosphere of expectancy. It was though our spirit friends already knew of our visit and what was awaiting us.


We set off on our journey full of excitement at what we were, hopefully, going to experience that day. Jo told us that Leslie had managed to fit us in with another group who were also booked that day. But it didn’t matter, we were just excited at the prospect of going at all. We eventually got to Paddington and Jo told us it was only a short walk from there to Leslie’s home on Westbourne Terrace.





When we got there we found it was a very large house and we commented on this at the time.

It transpired that Leslie was a silent film buff and we later discovered that Rudolph Valentino, the silent film star, was one of Leslie’s guides. The room where the séance was to be held was in fact Leslie's cinema room. This was where Leslie showed silent films on a regular basis to his friends.


Leslie was waiting for us as we entered. Being polite I said, "My name is Robin and this is....." but that was when Leslie said, "NO! Don’t tell me names. It won’t be evidential if I know all your names.


He left the room for a while and while he was gone Wendy thought she would look under the cinema seats to see if there was anything untoward there, but Leslie came back while she was still looking!


He wasn’t offended in the least. In fact, he said, "Go on, look everywhere; satisfy yourself that everything is as it should be."

He even told her to go and look in the projector room where his film machinery was. So she did this and found nothing wrong there either.





Most of our group and the others sat themselves in the cinema seats. For some reason I had seen a piano near the corner of the room and Wendy and I sat down beside that, so we were a bit separate from the others. Then the lights were put out and we were sitting in total blackness.


Leslie told us just to talk normally between ourselves, and to him of course. He said we should keep it light hearted and laughter will help. I can’t recall now exactly how long we were all talking for, it may have been around half an hour, maybe a bit more. Then Mickey started to speak.


It will be almost impossible to say what happened in detail, as it was so long ago, but I can tell you this, it was truly wonderful."


Here is a Youtube link to a recording of that séance so you can hear it for for yourselves:

Our first séance with Leslie Flint


Recorded: June 2nd 1982


Robin & Wendy Evans, John Wallace, Violet Duffield,

Margaret Fay, Mr H. Smith, Leslie Flint.



"After this first visit Leslie knew us and he knew we could be trusted. So he agreed that we could bring a group of our own to see him. Our next séance was arranged for 10th November 1983.


This time we had transport to go by road. We had made friends with a man named Brian, through a local charity that we were both helping at the time. We told him of our first visit to Leslie Flint and he also was interested.


Brian had a large Mercedes van that he used to transport disabled people around and he agreed to use it to drive us all to see Leslie. So we took our own circle members with us for this second visit."


Again, here is a link to hear a recording of that séance:

Our second séance with Leslie Flint


Recorded: November 10th 1983


Robin & Wendy Evans, Joy Lark, Debbie Lark,
A. Cooper, Ron Chamberlain, Brian Thrower, Leslie Flint.

"Everyone enjoyed that visit so much that we all decided we would love to go again, so we arranged another sitting for July 11th 1984. Once again we went with Brian in his vehicle."


Here is a link to a recording of that séance:

Our third séance with Leslie Flint


Recorded: July 11th 1984


Robin & Wendy Evans, Joy Lark, Madge Smith,
Brian Thrower, Ann Cooper, Leslie Flint.



"We travelled to London for a fourth time, unfortunately I can’t recall the date, but this may be because the séance was a dud. Nothing happened at all.


We must have sat in the darkness for around two hours, until Leslie called it a day. He was so sorry and was full of apologies that nothing had happened, especially since we had travelled such a long way.


But dear Leslie was getting on in years and he couldn’t guarantee a result. He said it was happening more often and maybe his own energies weren’t sufficient on that day.


Of course we were disappointed, but we had a lovely talk with him while we were waiting for the séance to start. Of course it never did that day.


However, we were all of good cheer and we made an appointment for yet another visit, which took place on October 1st 1985. I have labelled this as our fourth séance, as it was actually our fourth and final successful visit."


Here is a link to that recording:

Our fourth séance with Leslie Flint

Recorded: October 1st 1985

Robin & Wendy Evans, Brian Thrower,
David Thrower, Madge Smith, Joy Lark, Leslie Flint.

"May I just add here, that for all these wonderful séances to be heard on YouTube, and many others, are only made possible by my good friend Jack Terrence Andrews, who has so diligently uploaded them to the new Leslie Flint Trust Youtube channel.


Just search on YouTube and you will hear these and many more that Jack has shared, for the world to hear the unique and wonderful Direct Voice mediumship of Leslie Flint."


Robin C Evans

The Leslie Flint Educational Trust was created to preserve, record, authenticate and

promote the work of Independent Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint.

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'The Leslie Flint Trust' is the working name of The Leslie Flint Educational Trust,

which was gifted the sole copyright to all of Leslie Flint's written, photographic and recorded work.

Please seek permission from the Trust before using any of this material (more information) © 1997-2025 

This website was created and is maintained for the Trust by K.Jackson-Barnes.

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