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“In 1946 George Woods booked his second sitting with Leslie Flint.

A voice came through claiming to be a man called Michael Fearon,

who said he had been a biology master at Taunton School just before the war.

He said he was killed in Normandy in 1944, two weeks after D-Day. This was easy to check.

Woods even tracked down Fearon's mother and took her with him to see Flint.

The same voice came through again and Mrs Fearon agreed that it was indeed her son...”

                                                                                 Edited extract taken from the book 'Life After Death' by Neville Randall

Michael Fearon communicates

Recorded: May 23rd 1966

“We are much more than physical bodies...”

Michael Rodney Fearon was an officer in the British Army.

He died on June 24th 1944 aged twenty-seven.


His mother visited Flint many times to communicate with her son.


Michael returns in this recording to talk to
George Woods and Betty Greene

about the reality of life in the Spirit World,

understanding previous lives
and life on other worlds...

Note: Although this vintage recording has been enhanced, the first two minutes are the least clear.

Read the full transcript below as you listen to the recording...

Present: Leslie Flint, George Woods, Betty Greene

Communicators: Michael Fearon, Mickey





My name is Fearon.



Hello Michael.



Hello Michael.



Yes it’s Mike Fearon speaking.



Oh yes.



It is Mike.



It’s a long time since I came and spoke to you, I thought perhaps…






…you know, I’d put in an appearance after so long and let you know that Mother is now of course, obviously very, very happy now she’s with us.



She’s with you now?....I know she’s with you, but how is she getting on Mike?



Oh she’s very well, she’s very much happier, obviously. Much more settled and she looks so different of course.






You know she got very touchy and difficult, she had a lot of problems anyway. A lot of upsets and worries and, well, a lot of people didn’t understand poor old Mother. She had a pretty rough passage, one way and another. She’s alright now, bless her. She’s very happy and wishes to be remembered to you both.



Thank you very much.



Well thank you. Thank you very much and remember me to her, will you please?

Mike can you give us a talk like you used to do?


[Slight break in recording]


We have the most wonderful experiences here and of course, there’s wonderful places to visit. There are many, many spheres and many ‘places of being’ as it were - according to one’s adjustment and according to one’s, well, realisation of things, really. In fact, I suppose it’s really true to say that you cannot enter into any environment or enter even a building, until you yourself have, within yourself, prepared and made it possible to become ‘tuned in’, I suppose is the word, to that environment or condition.



And of course when one first comes here, you’re on a certain level of consciousness. Everything around and about you, more or less, you might say is, well, ‘in tune’ with you and you with it. But there is a realisation of course, after a while, that there are many aspects in life which you, sort of, touch upon, but you don’t have a knowledge of. You, sort of, become slightly aware, but at the same time, you are not able to enter into the environment or the condition - or even, if you like, of the mentality, if you put it like that, of an individual.



For instance, somebody may come to you from a different sphere or different condition of life, far removed from your own. You have a awareness or a consciousness, as it were, of their presence, but you’re not actually in-tune with them. Although they’re, to some extent, lowering their vibration or tuning in to you and, in a kind if way, you ‘take on’ something of this individuality or personality. And gradually that, in itself, is like an influence that helps you to gradually ‘raise your standards’, I suppose is the word to use, of experience and the desire of knowledge increases and gradually you, sort of, become en rapport together.



And then you become mentally very much ‘tuned in’ and then you’re able to communicate. It’s, in a kind of way, rather like us coming down to you. And this happens on many levels over here. Once that begins and you begin to ‘tune in’ and become part of, in a sense, the other person’s influence or become aware of it, then you can open up your own vista and consciousness to entering into different buildings or places with that person, who acts, as it were, as a guide.







This I’ve been doing a lot with Mother of course. Although, actually, I deliberately lowered my vibration considerably to be tuned in with Mother, in the initial stages when she first came, so that I could help her more. And in consequence, since I’ve been also very much attached to Earth through the idea of service and helping, it wasn’t so difficult for me as it might have been for some.


In any case, I don’t want to give the wrong impression here, because I was so concerned with Mother over such a long period, because she was so anxious to keep in touch with me. At the same time she was in such need and I deliberately withheld my own advancement for her benefit, that is, so that I could help her more - and this may sound perhaps very unselfish, but it wasn’t as unselfish as it seemed.


But then, of course, time is nothing with us. So it really doesn’t matter if we hold ourselves back for a while. And often people do do this through love, through the desire of helping someone they love on Earth. They do, to some extent, hold back their own evolution and development.


There again, what may seem a long time to you - might be 20, 30 years - is, in a sense, as nothing. And, in the long run, we gain by it, because often, if we’ve passed over young from your world, we still need certain experiences, which we can get by linking with Earth, by pe…through people we know and love, things which are interesting and helpful. We learn from other people’s suffering sometimes. And of course, in a kind of strange way, we suffer with them, but it’s not quite what it seems, even then.


I’ve no regrets, when I look back on many years I spent near Earth, helping - not only Mother, but other people. It was illuminating and educative and really helped me tremendously to progress. So that when the time actually came for me to renounce, if I can use such a word, Earth altogether - when Mother came and my brother.* I could, sort of, say to myself, ‘well now here goes’, you know, I can sever all contacts.

Of course, coming back like this is something I’ve wanted to do, in a kind of way, but not as I did in the old way. In the old way I was, to some extent, limited - partly by Mother. But now I can come back and I can feel more free. I wasn’t so free before, in a strange kind of way. Now I can come, just occasionally, and perhaps give you some interesting thoughts and interesting experiences, which will perhaps be beneficial to other people who are seeking, you see.



Well Michael can you give us some of your experiences? It would be very helpful.



Oh yes. Well I’ve recently been entering into a new, I suppose - how to put this? - a new phase of experience. In as much that I am learning how to utilise power. And I don’t mean power as you imagine power. I’m talking about a spiritualised power. Even that doesn’t describe what I mean, in fact it’s very vague. But it’s a force - which enables me to utilise forces within myself, of which I previously knew nothing. One becomes, in a sense, almost automatic over here, the same as one does on Earth when you realise the possibilities within yourself. And, to some extent, you utilise the opportunities that present themselves to you on Earth and you endeavour, in consequence, to ‘become’ or something, in certain material senses, with those forces or powers or talents, call them what you will. It’s a mixture of many things.


But here one realises that one has powers and a force which is, in a sense, so tremendous that you can achieve by it, fantastic things. You can, in a creative sense for instance, you can learn how to create, of thought-force, something which is very vital and very real, very, to some extent - I hate to use the word permanent - but certainly permanent as long as you hold on to the idea of it. Buildings for instance, are created in various way here, on lower spheres they are created from substances. And people are employed to make various things which are necessary to the creative effect or effort - building materials and so on. All manner of substances are used, but this is, in a sense, on a lower basis and lower sphere. It’s not from…it is a kind of creative work, obviously, but it’s in a different sense.


I’m learning now to use creative power from within oneself, without using substances which would be found on certain spheres, but which can be used in such a way, you can by the very force of self, through the idea of thought, build and create. Not only buildings, but works of art and all manner of things which are a pleasure and a joy to experience and to impress - in concern with the buildings, inhabit and so on.


These are realities, they are realities of the mind that have been created by the power from within oneself, not from actual substances as such. And yet the buildings and the places of which I speak are as real to the individuals who inhabit them and live among them, as anything that you would know on Earth - more so. Whereas buildings on your side may last for a few centuries, here they would last for, well, one can’t give time, but an enormous span. Because the inhabitants, no doubt, will inhabit that sphere for, what would be to you, thousands of years I suppose, although of course, we can’t measure time. And there are all sorts of factors which enter into this.


There are also, sort of, functions which are held, which beggar description. I mean tremendous functions, where thousands upon thousands of people gather and all sorts of entertainments, I suppose you’d call them - though there’s more to it than that - take place - and thousands of entertainers. And there are people who give of themselves and by the very power of their thought are able to impress and impregnate their personality and that which they have to convey, on the buildings and in the buildings and on the people that are involved. 





We have, I suppose you’d call them, pageants. But that’s a bad word, because everything we have to describe to you has to come down to a certain level and in consequence, we have to use words which give you a vague outline or description. The rest you must fill in from within yourself. And this of course is important, in as much that you yourselves must limit…not limit yourselves too much, but must try to fill in, from within yourselves, that part of which we cannot depict fully - but you have a power, the same as we have. There again, you see, this is a functioning power on all levels, but of course, these things can only be experienced by the individual when he or she is in a state of being, to be able to so do.


I mean, you can imagine, if you like, but what is imagination? I mean, you can create in an imaginative sense and it can have no function or no solidity, only within your inner-most self. But the reality of it can be felt and indeed, there are such things as people…the things that have been created by people still on Earth, that function over here.


Really, you know, people’s thoughts are far more real than they realise. And on this side we have vast numbers of souls whose concerted thoughts, concerted efforts, banded together in a complete oneness and harmony, makes possible a creative world. Which is so far removed from anything you know or experience, that - well it’s hopeless even trying to begin to explain it to you.






Michael, you say you’re learning this…how to manipulate this power - may I put it that way? It is, isn’t it really?



It’s what it really amounts to, but how to explain it, I don’t know…



Well then, do you actually…say you want to create some things, do you, sort of, concentrate on - in your imagination - on that particular thing you want to create…






…and it’s form - you can see it forming or…?



You see, what I’m so anxious to avoid is giving you the impression that everything here is effort-less. In a strange kind of a way, there’s a certain amount of truth in that, and yet at the same time, it would be very wrong for anyone on this side to try to give you the impression that all you have do is think of something and there it is. That is much too easy and there would be no joy and no pleasure in it. It might be, for the first few times, something very wonderful and give one a great of satisfaction, but one would soon tire of the ability to create something just by the mere wishing for it or thinking it, and in consequence it would fall.


You see the only things that really matter, the only things that give real joy and happiness are the things that, to some extent, you must make an effort to ‘bring into being’ or you work for. So when I talk about this power, of creative power that we have, that is within ourselves to express something of our individuality and our own personality - and when it’s a collective thing, of a group of people - this is something which does not necessarily happen easily. It is something which we have to give of ourselves. And this is another experience which is very difficult to explain, when one talks about ‘giving of oneself’ or expressing of oneself. It can accepted in several senses and misunderstood in consequence.


The point is, there’s a tremendous amount that we can do and achieve by the power of our inner-most self, but there are limitations, I suppose, which are set. I don’t know if there’s…I suppose there are some laws of which we don’t yet even know. Everything seems to fall into place, everything seems to have a meaning and a purpose and everything that we do, we realise is something which has to be and is necessary and is helpful to us. But everything that we create, it is not, in a sense, purely for self.


For instance, if we go to a great congregation of people who are gathered together on a different sphere, who are seeking certain knowledge or experience, then we go as a concerted effort together. And by the very power of our will and our thought are able to bring into being - even though it’s only on their plane temporarily - some semblance of reality, which to them is visual and audible. And which they can hear, for instance, glorious singing or glorious music or they can see pictures of a kind, which we have created in a mental way, which are visible to them, of life in a higher field of experience and sense. And in consequence, they have a realisation of what can be and can be achieved by themselves, once they themselves make an effort to uplift or upgrade themselves. In other words, enter into a mental harmony with us, even though it’s only temporary, it gives them an insight. All this is done by the power from within oneself.


Everything in life is from within oneself. This is the beauty and the joy of living. This is the real creative power that is within all men. It functions in your world, to some extent. Particularly, you find it among great people who have created great music or perhaps great art, in some form or other. These are the creative powers which man has on Earth which are seldom used, which function here naturally.






And they’re on different levels and that is our problem, of course, that we can not describe to you.

For instance, we can see ourselves as we were in a previous incarnation, not only on Earth, but in a previous life - or shall we say a form of life - on a previous strata of being. In other words, you see, once you can accept the fact that all life is a continuation, a step-by-step progression, and that on a different sphere or plane where once we were, we have a realisation of self, living in that condition, even though it may have been for a short spell or perhaps even a long spell, we can see how we have then progressed.


It doesn’t mean to say that we are, in a sense, more than one person. What I’m trying to explain is that while there are more facets, if you like, to an individual character or personality, we go from stage to stage and condition to condition - and it is by being…having the ability to tune-in, if you like, to the past. Not only our own past, let me tell you, but the past of the world - and I’m talking here about the material world in particular. But we can see the world in all its varying degrees and stages if we wish and tune-in to a particular period of history.


Perhaps it may be a period of history in which we ourselves played some part. And we can see ourselves and we can see in retrospect our lives as they once were. And all this is very interesting and illuminating, but also, it gives us an insight into the evolution and development - not only of ourselves or the human race - and we learn a wisdom and a strength is gained from that wisdom which enables us to visualise, not only the present, as we know it, more clearly, but the future that is yet to come.


You see, there is no beginning and no end, and that is what I think is so important and so vital for people to realise, is that life - or the very fact that life is - it still remains and must remain a reality and a permanent thing. There’s no beginning and no end and that is why eternal life is a reality and is understandable to us, because we know that we are going through phases of knowledge and experience and existence and as we move from one to another, so we gain more, experience comes to us which makes us prepared for a new step or a new venture, further afield. And the realisation then, of eternity, doesn’t seem - as it so often must do on Earth - an impossible thing in itself.


No one can visualise - I don’t even pretend that we can understand it - but we do see that while we have this reality of life , the possibility of further experience is there. Indeed we have the vision of it and it is this vision, like we get quite often, that creates the stepping stones, as it were, for the bringing into focus, of that which is yet hidden.


It’s an extraordinary thing. I don’t know how one could hope to describe it. But it’s as if sometimes, we can see not only backwards, but also forwards. But there again this is all very vague, because we talk about back and forth and we talk about experiences in past lives and the visualisation of things yet to come, but this is not something that’s, again, back and forth. This is circular in a sense. 


If I can I ask, in a way, Michael…



Mathematics I’m not very good at and I don’t suppose mathematically one can hope to depict or describe all this that I’m trying to convey. But the whole point is that we must get away from this idea of the past, the future and the present because it’s much more deep than that, it’s much more vast than that. We see that the world is round and floats in space, so there are millions upon millions of other worlds in space - which is so vast that one cannot even put any tag on it at all. There are other worlds in which people are living and expressing themselves, having their realisation of life and they are sometimes people, in certain worlds, who have lived on Earth previously, who have entered into a new condition. You see people always think - because it’s all due to this old way of thinking of the biblical teaching and what have you, way back when and religion et cetera - of this difference of heaven and hell and what have you and limbo and all this. You see these are just names, but the point is, that there are millions upon millions of ‘stratas of being’ or worlds floating in space.


And that is why I think that man may yet, in the future, form some sort of method - or create some sort of method - of communication between certain worlds, which will make at least for more knowledge and give man a real insight into the reality of, what is generally termed and loosely termed - and wrongly termed within a sense - the Spirit World.


I mean this is such a vague term that it’s almost laughable. I mean, people talk about the Spirit World, well, the point is that these worlds are, in a sense…have…have been of course, they are…and have been worlds for generations - centuries upon centuries upon centuries - millions of years. And the ‘spirit’, which is a loose term anyway, which no one can really quite define - I mean I’m living in what you term, if you like, a spiritual world or spirit world, but we don’t see spirit and we’re not conscious of spirit in the sense that you understand even that.


I mean this business of the physical body and the spiritual body, they’re all vague, loose terms. We are much more than physical bodies and much more than what is termed spiritual bodies. You see, that very life which we have is all around and about your world. In untold millions of places in the atmosphere are peoples - living and breathing and experiencing - and I suppose, if you’d like, you could call [them] spiritual beings. But this word spiritual and spirit, they are all very vague things, and people have the idea when you talk about spiritual beings or spiritual worlds they are some sort of religious state of being or religious peoples with religious outlook and clinging to old worn out beliefs and so on. All this is wrong you see. We are in a state of being, the word spirit, if you like, you can tack…attach it on if you want to, or spiritual.


But we are living lives that are real lives in real worlds, doing real things, experiencing remarkable happenings. And we’re entering into new fields of experience where we have many, what you would call, I suppose, scientific forms of life - and yet when you understand them, the ‘scientific’ drops away and has, in a sense, no meaning. Things you don’t understand you call miracles and there’s no such thing anyway. It merely means it’s something that’s happening, that you don’t understand how it works and therefore call it a miracle, because it doesn’t fall in with known ideas and theories and so on.


Scientists on your side who receive inspirations often they…inspirations they receive, they work upon, they act upon and create things. Sometimes they use those things for evil which is unfortunate - they’re not intended from this side. People who would help the scientists, try to give them knowledge that would be used for the good of humanity, but often these things are used by governments whose findings are used for bad, rather than for good.


All sorts of strange and wonderful things that are happening - even in your world at this moment - you don’t see them because you’re not vibrating, as it were, harmoniously with these conditions, with the people that are there working with you.

When I used to come back to Earth and I used to communicate occasionally and when I used to try and help, as I often did, various places, people and so on - I was conscious of the people, sometimes, that I was trying to help, but very rarely and particularly only when they were leaving their bodies, to pass through sudden death or something like that.


[Flint’s dog barks]


You see the point is, that we are all part of each other and until we realise that, until we fully comprehend that there is no such thing, although we talk about individuality - and it’s true, that we are building up our own individuality, to some extent this must be - though we remain separate, in a strange kind of way, and we have our own shape and form which may be different to someone else, yet at the same time we are all the same spirit.


It’s all the same functioning force and power emanating and at the same time creating, from within ourselves and making possible that which is to be for ourselves and for those around and about us. We’re all sharing the same vital force, the same vital spirit. We may react differently and we may give our own interpretation and expression to things, but it’s still the same power and the same spirit. This is the life that is, that nothing can destroy. We’re all part of the one life and the one force and the one power.

Anyway, I hope I can come a little more often because I’d like to talk to you about all sorts of things…



Mike I’d like to ask…I understand there is a time when you lose shape and form…



Well that may well be, but it’s never happened to me yet.






Quite frankly, although I can visualise the possibility of it, I hope it doesn’t happen. But there again, I don’t think that’s quite true. I think that it’s true in a sense, but I don’t think that you lose consciousness of shape and form. You may lose shape and form from the point of view of other people seeing your shape and form, but you can create or recreate or bring into being your shape and form at will, if you so wish, if you think it’s necessary. Or if you’re on a certain vibration or sphere then, probably, by the very nature of things, you would automatically be brought into shape and form.


But I should imagine it’s feasible to get beyond a certain state of being where shape and form in themselves, as such, are not important. But of course, this is something I don’t profess to know as yet, but I can visualise the reality of it.


Anyway, I want to talk to you, if I may, for a time - not today, but other times - on all sorts of factors which will be of interest I think…because I’ve learned a lot recently and I would like to help if I can, because I used to love coming to talk, you know.



Mike, would you come through next time…



If I can yes…



It would be so interesting…



Yes, I will. Anyway, Mother sends all her love…



Will you send…give her our love?



…and thank you for listening. I’d like to help you all I can, I know you do a marvellous job with your tapes. Anyway I must go because the power is waning, but all the best and God bless you. Bye bye.



Thank you Michael.



Bye bye.

Bye bye.

Bye bye.

Cheery-pippee !



Cheery what ?



Goodbye Mickey.






What did he say?



Cheery-pippee !


This transcript was created for the Trust by K. Jackson-Barnes - June 2017

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