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Leslie Flint speaks

Throughout his 60 years as a medium, Leslie Flint was invited to speak
about his work at many different venues, on radio and TV,
both in the UK and in America.

To tie in with the 1971 release of his biography 'Voices in the Dark'

Flint was also interviewed on radio many times.

Here is a selection of unique archive recordings of some of those public appearances and radio and TV interviews, where Flint speaks confidently
on various aspects of his mediumship and answers questions
put to him by interviewers and audience members.

Leslie speaks to an audience

Recorded: 1992

Leslie speaks to an audience about his first ever spirit message,

the need for scepticism in mediumship,

and the first spirit appearance of Rudolph Valentino...

Talk at the Universalist Church of New York City

Recorded: October 15th 1971


Speaking in a large church in New York City,

Leslie describes Independent Direct Voice and explains why the voices differ.


After playing a few examples of spirit voices,

he discusses what spirit people tell us of the Spirit World,

in contrast to what the Church teaches.


He explains that one of the tragedies of Spiritualism are fraudulent mediums,

but emphasises that genuine communication from people in the Spirit World is a reality.


BBC Radio Interview

Recorded: September 7th 1971

Journalist Sue MacGregor talks to Leslie Flint, on the BBC radio show Woman's Hour,

in this short interview from September 7th 1971.

BBC Radio Interview


Recorded: September 8th 1971

Flint discusses his mediumship in this short interview for BBC radio.

BBC Radio Interview


Recorded: September 20th 1971

June Rose speaks to Leslie Flint

in this short extract from the 3-part BBC Radio Four programme,

Has The Medium Got the Message?

BBC1 Television Interview Audio


Recorded: Wednesday, May 26th 1976


Fifty years after the death of silent film star Rudolph Valentino,

the public once again became interested in his life and his work.


As the foremost authority on the life of the legendary movie star

Leslie Flint was interviewed, at his home in London, by John Pitman

in this rare audio recording from the 'Tonight' radio programme.

Lecture at the SAGB, London

Recorded: November 11th 1970


In this recording Leslie Flint addresses an audience

at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain,

recorded at their original home of 33 Belgrave Square, London in 1970.

KTSM Radio - El Paso Texas

Recorded: September 8th 1970

Leslie Flint travelled to El Paso in Texas and recorded this interview for KTSM radio.

He discusses his earliest psychic experiences, the devel​opment of his mediumship

and shares an interesting story of one spirit communicator who spoke to his parents in another language...


Lecture at the London Spiritual Mission


Recorded: June 2nd 1978

A two-part recording made at the LSM in London,

with Leslie Flint describing various aspects of his life and work

and answering questions put to him from the audience.

The Flint Trust are grateful to Mike Rogers for supplying this recording.


LSM Lecture Part 1 :

LSM Lecture Part 2 :

Lecture at Columbia University, New York City


Recorded: September 1970


This lecture in New York by Leslie Flint, on the subject of mediumship,
was arranged, recorded and introduced by Professor William Ralph Bennett Snr (1904-1983)

Sunday Mirror Newspaper Interview

Recorded: March 13th 1978


Leslie Flint was interviewed at home

for this relaxed and highly detailed interview
with a young Sunday Mirror newspaper journalist.

'Today' Show - TV Interview

Recorded: April 1970


This rare 15-minute sound recording comes from an early TV interview

with Leslie Flint, George Woods and Betty Greene.

It was originally broadcast in 1970 and hosted by Eamonn Andrews.

The vintage audio is complete and includes extracts from three original Leslie Flint séances.

The Leslie Flint Educational Trust was created to preserve, record, authenticate and

promote the work of Independent Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint.

The Trust is a non-profit making organisation with representatives in the UK and USA.

This website is only made possible by public donations.

To donate any amount, securely via Paypal, please click the donate button here:

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Our grateful thanks to everyone who supports us.

'The Leslie Flint Trust' is the working name of The Leslie Flint Educational Trust,

which was gifted the sole copyright to all of Leslie Flint's written, photographic and recorded work.

Please seek permission from the Trust before using any of this material (more information) © 1997-2025 

This website was created and is maintained for the Trust by K.Jackson-Barnes.

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